Top 10 ACTORS Who DIED While Filming Movies


 Top 10 ACTORS Who DIED While Filming Movies



welcome  the art of  moviemaking is not without its  roadblocks financial troubles contract  negotiations and inclement weather are  just a sample of the dilemmas that a  production crew can run into will be  covering something far more tragic than  poor location choice as we look at ten  actors that never saw their final  project to completion


Brandon  Lee


number ten Brandon  Lee mentioned the name Brandon Lee and  chances are the 1994 film The Crow is  going to come up lays most notable role  the ill-fated Eric Draven in Alex Proyas  adaptation of the comic book also  happened to be his last during filming  of the alleged cursed movie Lee was  accidentally shot on set and died  shortly after nearly ending production  of the movie entirely time constraints  during production led to sloppy gun  handling as the prop crew created their  own dummy cartridges which led to a  bullet being driven partway through the  barrel of a 44 magnum when the gun was  reused with blanks that give the  illusion of a gun firing the force of a  blank dislodged the dummy round which  struck Lee in the abdomen


Vic  Morrow Myka


 number 9 Vic  Morrow Myka denly Rene shinu Chen  outside of The Twilight Zone the movie  these three actors likely had very  little in common Vic Morrow was an  established television actor while Myka  and Renee were both under 10 years old  but in 1982 their paths crossed and came  to a sudden and due to alleged  carelessness during the filming of John  Landis's theatrical Twilight Zone movie  while escaping from a bell uh-1 Iroquois  helicopter as part of a scene in the  timeout segment Morrow and the two  children were killed when the chopper  lost control after a mortar effect  detached the tail rotor the chopper came  down on Morrow and lay decapitating them  and Chen was crushed to death though the  six passengers on board all survived  with injuries Landis had allegedly  ignored warnings about the danger of the  stunt but he was acquitted of  manslaughter during the criminal  investigation 


Paul Walker


number 8 Paul Walker on November 30th  2013 Paul Walker and friend Roger rodas  were involved in a single vehicle  collision the Porsche Carrera GT driven  by rodas  crashed into a concrete lamppost and  burst into flames  neither walker nor rodas survived the  crash and the raging fire left their  bodies unrecognizable by the time  emergency services arrived what followed  was a mix of anger and sorrow from fans  of Walker as further investigation into  the case determined that rodas was  speeding between 80 to 90 miles or 130  to 150 kilometers per hour in a 45 mile  or roughly 70 kilometer per hour zone  when the car struck the post the timing  of Walker's death came during the  filming of the fast in the Furious 7  forcing rewrites and his brothers caleb  and cody to stand in for him



river phoenix

number 7  river phoenix river phoenix became known  as one of the most influential younger  actors of his era astonishing audiences  with his natural talent by the early 90s  Phoenix's do-good attitude changed and  started him down a path that would be  his undoing when on Halloween night in  1993 the 23 year old actor died of an  acute multiple drug ingestion of cocaine  morphine valium and ephedrine at Johnny  Depp's former nightclub the Viper Room  along with future films he had been cast  in such as interview with a vampire and  broken dreams  Phoenix left the thriller dark blood  unfinished for 19 years it remained so  until director George Houser re-edited  the footage for a 2012 release


Oliver Reed


number 6  Oliver Reed with advancements in  filmmaking technology the loss of an  actor mid production while felt hard by  those closest to them can be worked  around without having to alter the  script when Oliver Reed died of a heart  attack on May 2nd 1999 he was on a short  break from filming Ridley Scott's  gladiator as a mentor to the protagonist  Maximus Meridius Reed's role was fairly  large in the movie and to finish the  scene still needing to be shot  posthumously Scott employed cgi tactics  and mannequins to fill Reed in while  enjoying a few too many drinks at a pub  in Valletta Malta with soldiers of the  British Royal Navy and crew of the HMS  Cumberland Reed collapsed and died  before an ambulance could get to him 


Philip Seymour Hoffman 


number 5 Philip Seymour Hoffman  when highly regarded actor Philip  Seymour Hoffman passed  away from a lethal dose of heroin  cocaine benzodiazepines and amphetamines  it shocked Hollywood and movie goers  despite a history of drug use in the 80s  Huffman's Rehabilitation at 22 years old  led to 23 years of sobriety and an  incredibly successful career on February  2nd 2014 the actor was found dead on the  floor of his apartments bathroom with a  needle in his arm the devastating  effects of Hoffman's accidental death  were felt heavily by the entire crew of  The Hunger Games Mockingjay part 2 as  Hoffman still had several pivotal scenes  left to film as Plutarch heavensbee  rather than turn to CG recreation of the  actor director Francis Lawrence instead  had Plutarch's scenes rewritten for  other characters and cut in real footage  of Hoffman


John Candy


 number 4 John Candy while  shooting for the 1994 Western comedy  wagons East in Durango Mexico legendary  funny man John Candy suffered a heart  attack that proved to be too much for  his body to handle candy died on March  4th 1990 for leaving the creative minds  behind wagons East the difficult task  to fill in the empty gaps that his death  would cause thanks to the wonders of  technology filmmakers were able to  integrate stand-ins and special effects  to complete the film though the movie's  marked one of his last film appearances  his last film release wound up  technically being Canadian bacon the  1995 movie completed filming prior to  wagons East but delays in the release  schedule pushed it further out  unfortunately neither movie performed  well enough to act as proper send-off to  one of comedies greatest men


Bela Lugosi


 number 3  Bela Lugosi for his terrifying portrayal  as the pale feigned of the knight in the  1931 classic Dracula Lugosi found  himself being typecast as a horror  villain and it was within this realm  that his career shined the most when he  branched off Lagasse's fame declined  leading to a string of drug use and  poverty that had the promise of turning  around when the aging actor was paired  up with ambitious filmmaker Atwood woods  most notable piece 1959 s plan 9 from  outer space starred Lugosi though much  of what scene of the actor on  Green were from test scenes for other  projects the two had been working on  together what also had his wife's  chiropractor Tom Mason fill in for  Lugosi though he was always seen with a  cape over half of his face as the two  shared no physical similarities Lugosi  suffered a heart attack at the age of 73  and is buried at the Holy Cross Cemetery  in Culver City California 


Bruce Lee


number two Bruce Lee like his son  Brandon Bruce Lee was in the middle of  film production when his life suddenly  ended in May of 1973 Lee was diagnosed  and treated for a cerebral edema  possibly caused by head trauma incurred  during his martial arts career two  months after his first treatment  symptoms returned hoping to reduce the  pain lead to equities ik a painkiller  and laid down for a nap that he never  woke up from the official cause of death  was said to be an allergic reaction to  an ingredient in the painkiller adding  to the tragedy was the game of death a  martial arts film Lee was in the process  of writing directing producing and  starring in with Lee absent the game of  death remained incomplete until 2000  when what was filmed was released  alongside behind the scenes footage and  interviews


Heath Ledger


number one Heath Ledger the  death of Heath Ledger shocked the  entertainment industry and derailed  production of Terry Gilliam's The  Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus coming  off as heavily taxing preparation to  bring the Joker to life which included  locking himself in a hotel room for a  month to perfect the character fans were  quick to blame his methodology for his  mental downturn while the timing kind of  matches up Ledger's accidental mixture  of oxycodone temazepam alprazolam  doxylamine hydrocodone and diazepam  could have just been an effect of an  alleged drug problem the actor struggled  with after his death  Gilliam toyed with ending production of  the fantastical Parnassus or digitally  adding ledger yen but instead utilized  Johnny Depp Colin Farrell and Jude Law  to portray different versions of  Ledger's character Tony  you











































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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